Workshop Feedback
How to build a system that drives school improvement
29 June 2020, ZOOM
Our first workshop delivered via Zoom. The school leaders who attended actively took part in the discussions and we outlined in detail how to build a system that drives school improvement.
When asked what they gained from the session this is what delegates said:
"A clearer understanding of the whole school improvement cycle linked to the process of school self-evaluation" Gary Simm, Headteacher
"Lots of informative strategies in order to form a successful monitoring strategy. The course enabled me to start thinking about how to structure our line management too." - Emma Sutters, Headteacher - The Beeches Independent School
"Central Monitoring Process and how to implement a yearly monitoring plan...It was a very informative session and discussions were very useful. The documents shared are going to help me move the school forward. Thank you." - Cerasela Raducanescu - Headteacher

What to expect from inspection under Ofsted's 2019 EIF
11 June 2020, Andover
A great day spent with staff and senior leaders at an independent school in Andover. Thank you to everyone for taking part so actively in the discussions. When asked what they gained from the session
A refreshing of knowledge about the new inspection framework of 2019 - C. Kennard
Further, more ' whole picture' knowledge of the framework and process. - E. Winter-Bates
Lots of really interesting information and ideas of how to improve what I know/do. - S. Hebditch

What to expect as an Independent School under Ofsted's 2019 Framework
10th of February 2020, Avebury House - Birmingham
What a great day spent in Birmingham today with a group of school leaders talking about the new inspection framework. We shared details about what to expect according to the handbook, including the experiences of Headteachers who had just been been inspected under the new framework.
When asked what they gained from the session this is what delegates said:
"Ellen provides a fully bespoke and contextual used service that enables you to gain expert knowledge on the Ofsted process, hints, tips and ways to manage any given scenario before, during and after your impending Ofsted inspection. Ellen's training days are a must for aspiring Senior Leaders and Heads of schools." - Adam Clark - Sixth Form Education Manager, Grateley House School

How to ensure continuous compliance with the Independent School Standards
22nd of July 2019, Aylesbury
At this in-house CPD event I spent time with the most lively group of staff at an independent school in Aylesbury and we had interesting discussions while getting to grips with the requirements. Thank you for inviting me and for engaging so actively during the session. Staff said they found the audit tool useful and they even gave me an alternative acronym for the AREA strategy (for ensuring consistent compliance with the standards) which I will not share here for reasons only they will understand - thanks Lorraine.
When asked what they gained from the session this is what delegates said:
"Clearer understanding of standards and how to check/evidence." L Pearce - Assistant Headteacher
"Feeling more confident about addressing Ofsted issues, the audit tool seems really useful." - P. Morgan - Teacher of Mathematics
"How to audit for compliance. What the standards are." - J. Taruvinga - Teacher of Science

How to ensure continuous compliance with the Independent School Standards
17th of July, Penta Hotel - Birmingham
On Wednesday, the 17th of July I delivered a training workshop about achieving consistent compliance with the independent school standards. The Headteachers, Teachers, Consultants who attended found it useful, particularly the audit tool that they received. They said they would recommend this workshop to others.
I would like to thank everyone who attended and participated in the training workshop. Thank you for your feedback. When asked what they gained from the workshop this is what they said:
"A comprehensive understanding of the significance of the standards and an audit tool which will be really helpful. Networking and meeting other people." C. Woolford - Headteacher
"A renewed focus on ISS! Update on changes from september in relation to grade. Inspiration to improve check and audit of ISS with new description tool. "K. Landells - Headteacher
" Understanding the standards in more depth. Using the audit tool, finding the minor details that are easily missed. Networking." M. Turnock - Teacher of Mathematics
"Clearer understanding of standards, ideas of how to be compliant and mentor very useful tracker + checker." L. Parkinson - Headteacher

Improving Pupil Progress - Lets add value!
21st of June 2019, Oldbury;
I would like to thank the independent school Headteachers and Teachers who attended our training workshop about maximising pupil progress. We explored a variety of strategies for ensuring that pupils know more, remember more and can do more in the limited time they usually have as they tend to get referred to independent schools towards the end of Key Stage 4.
Thank you for so actively contributing to the discussions and for your feedback which we will use to continuously improve your experience. When asked what they gained from the session attendees said:
“Different strategies for improving progress; interleaving…” M. Darke - Assistant Headteacher
“I found the information beneficial for my role” S. Kemp - Centre Manager
“There was a very good explanation about monitoring progress…” H. Al- Hassan - Proprietor & Headteacher

The 2019 Education Inspection Framework - what it means for your school
22nd March 2019, Oldbury; 24th April 2019 - Towcester & Milton Keynes;
3rd May 2019 - Partington; 3rd June 2019 - Andover
This is what delegates said they gained from the workshop:
"A chance to have time to really consider the main changes and how it affects my schools..." C. Swift - School Principal
"Good outline of the incoming framework. Helped indentify areas that I need to improve in my practice." J. King
"My understanding is far more comprehensive and I am confident in how I will be able to adjust my practice to show I am working within the framework." Susan. H
"A clearer understanding of the changes and the impact it will have on my school. The need to prepare the staff team with what to expect." M. McQuillan - Headteacher
"Less fearful of Ofsted" P. Aimirau

How to ensure consistent compliance with the Independent School Standards
5th April 2019 - external workshop at the Oldbury venue in the photo
23rd April 2019 - in-house CPD workshop at a school in Milton Keynes
This is what delegates said they gained from the workshop:
"Increased my understanding of the structure of the ISS and how we can monitor our compliance in school. I think AREA is a simple but effective acronym for the process." S. Stacey - Assistant Headteacher
"Greater understanding of the requirements. Excellent resources. Excellent reference points for further guidance and advice." E. Butler - Assistant Headteacher
"I have more of an understanding of why independent schools fail and of what it takes to maintain the standards..." S. Dean
"An understanding of the impact of the Independent School Assessment Framework, on us as a school and how we can implement a process to enable meeting the requirements." D. Bosdet

Developing Mathematics & English Skills across the curriculum
30th April 2019 at Values Academy, Birmingham
After this in-house CPD event this is what delegates said they gained from the workshop:
"To be able to develop practical methods of embedding and contextualising maths and english across the curriculum." A. Calliste - Teacher of Mathematics
Good understanding of contextualising and embedding. Looking at ways to successfully indentify and deliver maths and english adding value to the student experience." D. Lovegrove - Teacher of Art
Planning and supporting in other subjects will increase progress." H. Ladha - Teacher of Mathematics

Feedback & Progress
30th April 2019 at Values Academy, Birmingham
After this in-house CPD workshop this is what delegates said they gained from the workshop:
"New knowledge about some feedback techniques. Discussion about school wide marking and feedback. Ways of measuring progress." J. Phelps, Teacher of Science
"I have learned a number of useful techniques for providing feedback and DIRT." (Dedicated Improvement & Reflection Time) - A. Calliste, Teacher of Mathematics
I discovered there had been studies undertaken which proved the effectiveness of high-quality feedback." - S. O'Cleary - Teacher of English